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Consumer healthcare company


Leader Brands


Global standarts in manufacturing


Continuous innovation 


Wide distribution


Consumer healthcare company

Netpa Tüketim, is a manufacturer and distributor company, operating in OTC, personal care, FMCG and consumer healthcare categories.


Our company delivers its biocidal, medical device and cosmetic licensed products to millions of consumers, enabling them to live healthier and happier lives.

Leader brands

Netpa Tüketim, manufactures and distributes category leader brands such as Zerobite Insect Repellents & Insecticides, Sinkov Insect Repellents & Insecticides, Plusnit Lice Repellents & Treatment Products, Wiss+ Sun & Personal Care Products, Killing Insecticides.


Meanwhile, Netpa Tüketim is Turkish Distributor of Mirato – Milmil Group of Italy for Delicé Solaire Sun Care Products.

Global standarts in manufacturing

As well as manufacturing in its own facilities, Netpa Tüketim also works with lots of specialised manufacturer in world and Turkey.


Working with international pharmaceutical and chemical companies for purchasing, Netpa Tüketim uses the raw materials with the highest standards in its products.

Continuous innovation

Working with global & local laborites and universities for formulation, product development and test processes, Netpa Tüketim follows the latest developments in the world and leads to bring them in.

Wide distribution

Netpa Tüketim; as well as managing the brand and marketing processes, is also an organised whole sales company in Turkey.


Visiting thousands of P.O.P’s by two separate sales teams for pharmacies and markets, Netpa Tüketim works with all national & local pharmacy warehouses and has local distributors for market channel.

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